Code of Conduct for the Tiny Cannabis Club Club
Harassment Policy Definitions
1. A person subjects another to harassment by engaging in unwanted and unwarranted conduct which has the purpose or effect of:
2. Freedom of speech is protected by law though this right must be exercised within the law. Vigorous debate will not amount to harassment when it is conducted respectfully and without violating the dignity of others or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.
3. Bullying is a form of harassment and may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.
4. The club seeks to protect any member of the club and related community from victimisation, which is a form of misconduct which may itself result in membership suspension or cancellation. The club will regard as victimisation any instance where a person is subjected to detrimental treatment because that person, in good faith:
5. Harassment may involve repeated forms of unwanted and unwarranted behaviour, but a one-off incident can also amount to harassment.
6. The intentions of the alleged harasser are not always determinative of whether harassment has taken place. The perception of the complainant and the extent to which that perception is in all the circumstances reasonable will also be relevant.
7. Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or otherwise intoxicated is not an excuse for harassment.
8. Harassment can take a variety of forms:
ii. sexually explicit remarks or innuendoes
iii. unwanted sexual advances and touching
- The Tiny Cannabis Club Club (“the Club”) does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all of its members, agents, administrators, employees, and visitors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration.
- All members of the Club are expected to read and agree to act in accordance with this Code of Conduct. Membership may be removed or suspended for failing to do so.
- All members of the Club are expected to:
- treat other members with dignity and respect;
- discourage any form of harassment by making it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable; and
- support other members who feel that they have been subject to harassment.
- “Harassment” includes in particular the following conduct, however carried out (including online):
- sale of drugs is banned from all club spaces, including online
- verbal or physical bullying or threats
- sexual harassment including unwanted physical conduct, sexually explicit remarks or sexual assault
- racist behaviour or comments
- homophobic behaviour or comments
- victimisation
- repeated forms of unwanted and unwarranted behaviour
- Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or otherwise intoxicated is not an excuse for harassment.
- religiously motivated abuse
- If you wish to complain about harassment within the Club, you should consider trying to resolve the matter informally. If such a resolution is unsuccessful you can make a formal complaint in writing to any Committee member.
- For informal advice, including in relation to how you make a complaint, you can contact [email protected] .
Harassment Policy Definitions
1. A person subjects another to harassment by engaging in unwanted and unwarranted conduct which has the purpose or effect of:
- violating another person’s dignity, or
- creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for another person.
- The recipient does not need to have explicitly stated that the behaviour was unwanted.
2. Freedom of speech is protected by law though this right must be exercised within the law. Vigorous debate will not amount to harassment when it is conducted respectfully and without violating the dignity of others or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.
3. Bullying is a form of harassment and may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.
4. The club seeks to protect any member of the club and related community from victimisation, which is a form of misconduct which may itself result in membership suspension or cancellation. The club will regard as victimisation any instance where a person is subjected to detrimental treatment because that person, in good faith:
- made an allegation of harassment, or
- indicated an intention to make such an allegation, or
- assisted or supported another person in bringing forward such an allegation, or
- participated in an investigation of a complaint, or
- participated in any disciplinary action arising from an investigation, or
- taken any other steps in connection with this Policy and Procedure, or
- is suspected of having done so.
5. Harassment may involve repeated forms of unwanted and unwarranted behaviour, but a one-off incident can also amount to harassment.
6. The intentions of the alleged harasser are not always determinative of whether harassment has taken place. The perception of the complainant and the extent to which that perception is in all the circumstances reasonable will also be relevant.
7. Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or otherwise intoxicated is not an excuse for harassment.
8. Harassment can take a variety of forms:
- Through individual behaviour in the online clubs
- Through face to face at club lounges or pop up events, either verbally or physically
- through other forms of communication, including but not limited to, written communications and communications via any form of club related electronic media or mobile communication device or service.
- directly to the person concerned, or to a third party.
- Through a prevailing environment which creates a culture which tolerates harassment or bullying, for example the telling of biphobic or racist jokes.
- unwanted physical contact, ranging from an invasion of space to an assault, including all forms of sexual harassment, including:
ii. sexually explicit remarks or innuendoes
iii. unwanted sexual advances and touching
- offensive comments or body language, including insults, jokes or gestures and malicious rumours, for example on the basis of race and religion or belief
- open hostility, verbal or physical threats
- insulting, abusive, embarrassing or patronising behaviour or comments, humiliating, intimidating, and/or demeaning criticism
- persistently shouting at, insulting, threatening, disparaging or intimidating an individual
- constantly criticising an individual
- posting offensive comments on electronic media, including using mobile communication devices
- threatening to disclose, or disclosing, a person’s sexuality or disability to others without their permission
- threatening to disclose, or disclosing, information about a person to others without their permission
- deliberately using the wrong name or pronoun in relation to a transgender person, or persistently referring to their gender identity history
- isolation from normal club services, spaces, conversations, or social events
- publishing, circulating or displaying pornographic, racist, homophobic, sexually suggestive or otherwise offensive pictures or other materials.
- Following a person;
- Contacting, or attempting to contact, a person by any means;
- Publishing any statement or other material –
- Relating or purporting to relate to a person, or
- Purporting to originate from a person;
- Loitering in any place (whether public or private);
- Interfering with any property in the possession of a person;
- Watching or spying on a person including through the use of CCTV or electronic surveillance.